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Chumak CJSC opens a new macaroni factory


On 26 January 2010 Chumak CJSC, the largest national food processing company, opened a new macaroni factory in Kakhovka, Kherson Oblast. This factory will produce macaronis which enjoy the greatest demand among Ukrainian consumers: ‘Tubes’, ‘Feathers’, ‘Spirals’, ‘Turtles’, ‘Vermicelli’, ‘Elbows’. Macaroni products under ChumakTM first appeared on the market in 2006, but until now they were produced in Russia only.

 Construction of the factory began in 2009. US 3 million were invested in this project. The factory features Italian-manufactured production lines which were installed under direct supervision of manufacturer’s representatives. As of today, the factory is completely ready for operation: bulk flour silos, vacuum press, drying chambers, stabilization bins for ready macaroni products are all up and running. Planned output capacity of the new factory is 50 tons of macaroni products daily, or approximately 2 tons per hour.

 This February ChumakTM macaronis will already appear on shelves of Ukrainian stores, and will come in a new packaging different from its Russian-made counterparts. All macaroni products made by the Kakhovka factory have notably high taste qualities, do not stick together, and excellently preserve their shape during boiling. In the nearest future Chumak also plans to produce special macaroni sauces. Every type of macaroni products will have a corresponding sauce with ideally matching taste. It will be a brand new product on the Ukrainian market but with traditionally exceptional quality which all ChumakTM products are notable for.

 Says Kakhovka Mayor Oleksandr Karasevych:

Thanks to Chumak, Kakhovka entered into year 2010 with excellent results. We don’t have official statistical data available yet, but according to preliminary estimates, the city’s aggregate gross product will reach 1,230 – 1,245 million hryvnias. To a large extent, the city has to thank Chumak for this rapid development, because as of today, processing industry is responsible for 90% of its gross product.

The company actively implements innovations, being the first in our oblast to employ new technologies in the vegetable growing. Chumak is also doing a lot in the social sphere: creates jobs, has stable and transparent wage payment system (3500 hryvnias per month on average) – by the way, the highest wages in the city. In addition, I’d like to specially thank Messrs. Carl Sturén and Johan Bodén for creation of the first logistics center in Kakhovka. It was a truly revolutionary step in the development of economy of both the city and the region!

So in the essence, Chumak is the principal patron of our city, and I personally as the mayor am sincerely grateful to them for that.

Says Chumak General Director Carl Sturén:

Macaroni production enterprise in Ukraine became our main investment project of 2009. Macaronis made in Ukraine will have the same taste our customers are accustomed to, but will come in a new, more convenient and informational packaging. In February, ChumakTM macaronis will appear on store shelves.

Says Director for Corporate Development Johan Bodén:

Besides macaroni production, we are launching production of special sauces, a product that we believe has very good prospects around the world. Making real tomato sauce at home is quite time-consuming and expensive thing. And our sauces will help cook excellent macaroni dishes fast and easy. And of course, these new sauces will have the same ‘Chumak’ quality which we consider a cornerstone of our business.