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Chumak company celebrated its 15th anniversary!


“Chumak” company, one of the leading manufacturers of food products in Ukraine, celebrating its 15thanniversary, organized “a gathering for friends” for the representatives of the Ukrainian mass media. The event that took place on May 26, 2011, in the ethnic restaurant “Chumatskyi Shlyakh” was noted for its Ukrainian colouring and the Swedish and Ukrainian hospitality.

 At the press conference that opened the event, one of the founders of “Chumak, Johan Boden, and General Director Pavel Shevchuk were present. Mr. Boden provided a brief report on the results of the company activity for 15 years to the press and, in particular, he answered the question that concerned everyone: why Ukraine and why Kakhovka? Business could be started in a more successful European country with a less unforeseeable legislation. Nevertheless, the businessmen have made their choice in favour of Kherson region.

Johan Boden: “Our choice was influenced by the four main factors: a perfect combination of fertile ground and favourable climate, many years of traditions in growing vegetables, a developed infrastructure and powerful irrigation system that was left from the USSR times, one of the most powerful in the world. For us, it was important from the start that our products need to be associated not only with a bright coloured label or package. We wanted to produce a high quality product and thus we have to be responsible for the quality of each and every cucumber and tomato. Our strong belief is that we need to work with full responsibility. There are no minor things in business. If you want good result, everything should be perfect. This is the foundation of quality”.

 The businessman also told the press how the business had been started, what problems they had had to face and what results they managed to achieve despite all the difficulties. He proudly announced that “Chumak” was the first in Ukraine to implement the system of drip irrigation and, despite the forecasts of the sceptics, this measure justified itself in whole. The proof is the largest vegetable harvests in Ukraine. The company invested heavily in the construction and modernization of production areas, now having the possibility to process fresh vegetables on the first day after they are picked. Considering the growing rates of production, the company has recently completed the construction of the largest vegetable storage facility in Ukraine (for 50 thousand tons of vegetables).

 The General Director of “Chumak”, Pavel Shevchuk, informed that the company plans to double its production rates by the end of 2013. Pavel Shevchuk: “The planned market share in 2013 is between 35% and 40%, depending on the category. The basis of our business, just like before, will be sauces, first of all ketchup and mayonnaise, tomato paste and macaroni foods. This category of products, judging from the dynamics of sales and market capacity, will soon occupy one of the leading places in the total volume of company production. We are very glad that we’re able to produce a European quality product with a competitive price”.